Ending Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse

Troy and Tommi Vincent are focused on ending domestic violence. Through Love thy Neighbor, and a host of partner organizations, they are calling all of us to be champions and allies in ending gender-based violence and sexual assault. By sharing their personal narratives and collaborating with community stakeholders, they seek to reshape the discourse surrounding domestic violence, including raising awareness and fostering a culture of accountability on college campuses.

“We have seen over the years that there are times, events and moments that allow us to speak life into a very dark side of society. Now is a moment in time when we as a nation must pause and look at the core of what is happening and rally behind ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Many people are outraged and have reached out to Tommi and I to see how they can get involved.”

Troy Vincent 

Longtime activists on domestic violence issues, the Vincents each experienced its impacts separately growing up. Since then, Troy has continuously shined daylight on the issue through his role as a player, and now as the NFL’s Executive Vice President of Football Operations. Tommi, most recently, served as the chairperson for the National Domestive Violence Hotline. Each is recognized for their leadership, with Troy being honored in 2016 with the inaugural Champions of Change award from the University of Colorado-Denver’s Center on Domestic Violence.

“Taking action isn’t as difficult as people may think,” says Troy. “We try prevention, intervention, education and often times there are policy changes that have to occur for accountability. We are talking with survivors, field experts and mental health professionals to humanize domestic violence, measure its impact, help survivors and, most importantly, prevent it.”

The Vincent Commission

To this end, Tommi and Troy recently launched The Vincent Commission to team up with Niagara University to research gender-based violence, particularly on college campuses. 

In particular, the study’s goal is to better comprehend violence on campus, where college women are three times more likely to be abused. As explained by Tommi; “We have to understand the underlying reasons that cause the perpetrators to do it so that they can get help and the resources they need to stop the behavior”

Through rigorous research and dialogue, the commission seeks to discern the underlying factors that contribute to violence in intimate relationships. By involving men in leadership roles, including Troy himself, they hope to challenge harmful societal norms and promote healthy masculinity.

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

“Domestic violence does not discriminate. It impacts everyone. Whether you have your own personal experience, or you know someone who has experienced abuse. No one is exempt.”

Tommi Vincent

Central to the Vincent’s mission is empowering individuals to be active participants in speaking out against domestic violence and finding and developing solutions to end it. Tommi and Troy understand the power of personal narratives in catalyzing social change. They aim to break the stigma of domestic abuse by sharing experiences and amplifying survivors’ voices, fostering a supportive environment for those affected. “My personal mission,” adds Tommi, “is to normalize the conversation, not the behavior.”

The Vincent’s collaboration with researchers, survivors, and community organizations underscores their holistic approach to addressing domestic violence. By leveraging their platform and influence, Troy and Tommi are driving meaningful conversations and advocating for systemic change. Their efforts extend beyond awareness-raising to concrete action, with the aim of ultimately putting an end to the cycle of intimate partner violence.

About Domestic Violence

The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as:

“… a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

The statisitics are staggering: 

  • In the US, every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten
  • 1 in every 3 women is abused during her lifetime
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women –more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined
  • 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence every year
  • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls say a boyfriend has threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup
  • Everyday more than 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends
  • Men are two times as likely to abuse their wives if they witnessed domestic violence as children
  • Almost one-third of female homicide victims that are reported in police records are killed by an intimate partner
  • People who experienced domestic violence are dramatically higher risk for significant health issues
  • Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults
  • Children exposed to domestic violence at home are more likely to have health problems

Resources- Ending Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Tommi Vincent – Past Chair

24-Hour Hotline:
Text START to 88788

Safe Berks- Logo

Berks County, PA

24-Hour Hotline:
Text SAFE BERKS to 20121

The Naples Shelter Logo
The Naples Shelter
Working with Barbara and John Jordan

Naples, FL

24-Hour Crisis Line
Text or Call:

Woman Space Logo

Mercer County, NJ

24/7 Crisis Line:

YWCA Niagra Region Logo

Laurel House Logo- Working to End Domestic Violence

Montgomery County, PA

24-Hour Hotline:
Text HOPE to 85511

Delaware County Victim Assistance Center Logo

Delaware County, PA

24-Hour Hotline

Domestic Abuse Project Logo

Delaware County, PA

24-Hour Hotline:

YWCA Logo -Eliminating Racism Empowering Women

Women Against Abuse Logo

Philadelphia, PA

24-Hour Hotline:

How You Can get Involved to End Gender-Based Violence

Find an Organization Near You:

No More Global Directory

A directory of domestic and sexual violence helplines and services throughout the world.

Take the next step:

  • Volunteer some time to work at a shelter
  • Identify 7 other people who will also volunteer their time
  • Lend your voice and platform to stand against violence against women
  • Get Louder Together

What can Men do?

  • Own the issue
  • No one is an innocent bystander
  • Engage with your coworkers, friends and family
  • Keep the conversation going
  • Model Healthy Relationships
  • Be that good example, that voice for those who have no voice

Top Photo: Dr. Dana Radatz, Tommi Vincent, the Rev. James J. Maher, C.M., Troy Vincent, Dr. Janice Johnson Dias, Dr. Jennifer Beebe, and Dr. Brian Lawton

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